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Ravensbourne KICKSTART! is designed to plug skills gaps within industries related to creative technology, content marketing and digital communication. Our intention is that course content is delivered through a mixture of video interviews, tips, tricks, tutorials and industry case studies alongside additional online resources to empower young people who have been educationally disadvantaged or are from groups underrepresented within the digital industries.  

Watch our series here:

  • Researchers
    Derek Yates
  • Partners
    Ravensbourne University

To develop the content for the initial courses, we initiated a ‘Knowledge Exchange’ with London based digital creators, Studio Blup, and their creative director & founder, DINES who hosts the course alongside Derek Yates, Head of Careers & Creative Lab. In addition, we brought together a team of educators and brilliant young creatives to lend their expertise to three courses that demonstrate how to 1. KICKSTART! A Brand. 2. KICKSTART! a Digital Campaign and 3. KICKSTART! Social Media Conversation. They include Saf Pommel, Business Director at Social Media Conversation designers, the Wilderness Agency; Zahra Hasan, Audience Editor at the Guardian and Liy Grant, Ravensbourne alumni and Creative at Mother London. These contributors ensure that the courses feel authentic to the audience and through their input we aim to achieve the kind of engagement that will inspire this group to KICKSTART! A creative career. 

KICKSTART! is a product of the network of industry partners and alumni that are an integral part of our learning community at Ravensbourne University. Each Course has 12 steps to work through, asking you to ‘Watch & Learn’ from a filmed interview or tutorial before you ‘Click & Discover’ from a curated selection of online content. The films have been produced to the highest production standards and are designed to sit comfortably alongside the branded content that our audience consumes every day. To help us produce content of an appropriate standard, we worked with a team of Ravensbourne students and alumni, these included tech start up Drewl – who produced the films; promo editor at Sky Creative, Michael Bailey – who edited them and three third year students, Oscar, Marius and Bryony from our BA in Advertising & Brand Design – who created the branding and visual identity for the whole KICKSTART! platform. The project supported a graduate business and provided valuable real-world experience and a portfolio piece that has helped the students secure jobs at some of the world’s leading design agencies. Oscar is now a junior designer at Madethought, Bryony is at JKR and Marius has just secured a position at the Stockholm Design Lab.